videos of the orchestra
The purpose of this page is to give you an accurate, "un-doctored" view of our orchestra "on the job" where it counts. If you like what you see and hear via this method, you're going to absolutely rave about the way we sound in person at your event!
Most clients wish to be able to see a band perform before hiring them for their event.
The vast majority of our engagements are private. Therefore the opportunity to view the orchestra in action is very limited. That's the purpose of this page.
Also, time is critical when it comes to booking a band. You could miss getting the band you want by 24 hours. The date we had open on Tuesday, could be booked on Wednesday. You may not have the luxury of waiting until next Saturday to see the orchestra at a public event.
With this page, you can see us now, today. If you have others involved in the decision making process, you can all come to this page today and expedite that process.
Big Band Sounds Of Yesterday & Today
Wonderland By Night Medley
Moonlight In Vermont
Jumpin’ At The Woodside
And The Angels Sing
My Way